The present catalogue is the first attempt to unite and present in a single format the information on the species composition and territorial-chronological distribution of bird and mammalian collections in the scientific collections so far known in Uzbekistan (totally 42.920 collected specimens). The history of creation, contact addresses of the keepers and species composition of scientific funds are cited for each of the collections, whilst for each of the species the number of collected units, the number of males, females and those of unidentified sex are cited both in general and broken down by physical-geographic areas. The main electronic data bases are at the disposal of the keepers of these collection funds and whenever necessary they can be used by agreement with them.
The main goal of this publication is to make collections more accessible for experts-zoologists, who work on the systematics, faunistics and phylogeny, the workers of museums and experts in the sphere of environmental protection.
Webmaster - Ernest Khurshut: | Fishes of Uzbekistan | Red Listing in Central Asia Last modified: 13.12.2008 |